2 CFR 200 Major Update: Federal Grant Uniform Guidance

10-24-2024 1:30 PM EST.

Federal grant cost expert Rex Porter will guide you through the major updates to Federal Grant 2 CFR 200. Gain significant insights into these changes and receive uniform guidance on applying cost rules and utilizing indirect cost rates. You will learn detailed update information found in very few other places. 

What You'll Learn

  • Federal Notice of Funding Opportunities 
  • Indirect Cost Treatment, Including De Minimis Rate 
  • Treatment of Labor and Personnel Costs 
  • Procurement Standards 
  • Cost of Data Systems 
  • Supplies and Equipment Thresholds  
  • Federal Single Audit Standards 
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Thursday, October 24, 2024; 1:30 PM Eastern

Session scheduled for 90 minutes including question and answer period.

Training Overview

Breaking News: 2024 Major Updates in 2 CFR 200 Learn the Changes to Federal Grant Regulations!

Get ready for 2024 Major Federal Grant Management Revision—Effective October 1st! These changes will tackle and explore critical areas such as federal compliance, internal control including management policies, procurement standards, and emerging risks in expanding Federal fiscal year 2025 funds.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is revising several parts of the OMB Guidance for Grants and Agreements, now called the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance, located in title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These revisions provide clarity and updated guidance to Federal agencies regarding the consistent and efficient use of Federal financial assistance.

Join and equip yourself with immediate essential resources to ensure adherence to compliance standards and the Uniform Guidance regarding:

  • Federal Notice of Funding Opportunities
  • Indirect Cost Treatment, Including De Minimis Rate
  • Treatment of Labor and Personnel Costs
  • Procurement Standards
  • Cost of Data Systems
  • Supplies and Equipment Thresholds 
  • Federal Single Audit Standards
Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Board of Directors
  • Nonprofit Chief Executives
  • Executive Directors
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Controllers
  • Senior Grants Accountants
  • Grants Accountants
  • Legal Counsel
  • Auditors
  • Senior Management
  • Program Managers
  • Financial staff
  • Contracting Specialists 
  • Purchasing Specialists
  • Business Managers 
  • Program Managers 
  • Compliance officers

Expert Presenter

Rex L. Porter
  • Principal and founder of Porter Group LLC, a premier national federal grant funding and compliance consulting service
  • 25-year career in federal grants management
  • Served as a federal grants official, grant-funded organization executive director, and local government project manager
  • Retired Air Force officer
  • Holds master of business administration and master of science in systems management degrees
  • Certificates in nonprofit management, and program and contract management

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