ChatGPT: Teaching Strategies for Higher Ed Classrooms

Lifelong educator Jessica Lyons will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to leverage AI effectively in your classroom. You will learn about teaching strategies for higher education classrooms using ChatGPT, boosting your productivity as an educator to accomplish more in less time.

What You'll Learn

  • What can large language models do with higher education assignments?
  • How can you feel confident teaching with and about AI?
  • What are the pitfalls of not addressing AI use with students?
  • What are reasonable guidelines for AI usage?
  • What are examples of AI literacy tasks?
  • How can you incorporate AI into writing assignments in any subject?
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Tuesday, July 30, 2024; 11:00 AM Eastern or Tuesday, September 17, 2024; 11:00 AM Eastern

Scheduled for 60 minutes including question and answer period.

Training Overview

Revolutionize Your Teaching Approach. Learn new tactics for incorporating generative AI.

Gone are the days of resisting artificial intelligence in the classroom. Today's forward-thinking educators are embracing ChatGPT as a powerful tool to enhance learning rather than fearing its impact. As AI continues to shape the educational landscape, you have the chance to revolutionize your approach to assignments and student engagement. 

You can teach the best practices and pitfalls of generative AI while building an environment of collaboration and academic honesty. Proven tactics will help you rethink your assignments and set reasonable expectations.

  • What can large language models do with higher education assignments?
  • How can you feel confident teaching with and about AI?
  • What are the pitfalls of not addressing AI use with students?
  • What are reasonable guidelines for AI usage?
  • What are examples of AI literacy tasks?
  • How can you incorporate AI into writing assignments in any subject?
Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • College professors (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Adjunct faculty
  • Graduate students serving as teaching assistants
  • Faculty development staff
  • Curriculum specialists
  • Department chairs
  • Deans
  • Faculty union representatives
  • Provosts
  • Vice presidents for academic affairs
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials

Expert Presenter

Jessica Lyons
  • High school English teacher in Indiana
  • Served as a department head and a PLC leader
  • 19-year career
  • Master’s degree in English from Arizona State University
  • Master’s degree in Curriculum Design from Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Administrator’s license