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FERPA and AI 101: K-12 Schools

FERPA and AI 101: K-12 Schools

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FERPA and AI 101: K-12 Schools

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Expert Presenter:

Expert Rick Verstegen will talk about privacy compliance in a way that both follows the law and your school’s ethic of care. You will learn how to treat students’ information in accordance with FERPA in the age of AI.

What You'll Learn

  • What is an education record
  • What rights does a student or a parent have to review and inspect records
  • When can a school release information without parental consent, including when releasing information to outside vendors
  • Can a school disclose information in a nonidentifiable manner
  • What issues are presented when involving AI technology within the schools
  • Do other laws, like COPPA and PPRA, need to be considered when using AI
Training Overview

Comprehensive FERPA: AI and Student Privacy Compliance in a fast-changing world

As the 2024-2025 school year approaches, schools must ensure full compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).


With growing demands from students, parents, and staff for access to protected information, administrators need to carefully balance legal obligations with confidentiality.


And with the rise of AI technology in education, exciting opportunities and increased responsibilities are colliding–how to manage, handle, and maintain sensitive data is paramount! Gain practical, step-by-step guidance on FERPA compliance and the use of AI in educational settings.

  • What is an education record
  • What rights does a student or a parent have to review and inspect records
  • When can a school release information without parental consent, including when releasing information to outside vendors
  • Can a school disclose information in a nonidentifiable manner
  • What issues are presented when involving AI technology within the schools
  • Do other laws, like COPPA and PPRA, need to be considered when using AI
Who Should Attend?
  • District Administrators
  • Vice Principals and Assistant Principals 
  • Superintendents
  • Deputy, Associate, and Assistant Superintendents
  • Other K12 Administrators 
  • Registrars 
  • Office Managers 
  • Student Service Directors 
  • Personnel and Human Resources Directors 

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FERPA and AI 101: K-12 Schools