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Title IX Certification (Higher Education) for Investigators and Decisionmakers
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Title IX Certification (Higher Education) for Investigators and Decisionmakers

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Title IX Certification (Higher Education) for Investigators and Decisionmakers

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Expert Presenter:

4 | 90 Minute Sessions

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs. Sexual harassment, discrimination during pregnancy and athletics, and other grievances are common Title IX complaints. The proper handling of complaints requires investigating, following legal steps, and receiving adequate training. In addition to ensuring compliance with the investigative requirements and other requirements in Title IX cases, this advanced 4-session certification program will provide higher ed employees with tools to handle Title IX investigations, grievance processes, and supportive measures. You’ll also get a thorough understanding of the recently updated Title IX regulations, including definitions, investigation processes, and decision-making procedures. Your higher ed institution must be compliant and your team must be trained to meet the requirements.

Rick Verstegen, an expert in education law, will lead you through a detailed exploration of the updated Title IX regulations, including essential definitions, investigation processes, and decision-making processes. Be sure your team is well-trained in all the requirements including how to investigate a Title IX complaint, and your institution is compliant.

What You'll Learn

During this highly informative webinar series, our expert education law speaker will discuss:

  • New August 2024 Title IX regulatory changes
  • Title IX overview
  • Title IX investigative procedures
  • Title IX investigative requirements
  • Handling Title IX complaints
  • Specific topics under Title IX
  • Title IX reports and complaints
  • Case studies on August 2024 regulations

You’ll Also Receive

  • All courses include a PDF version of the presentation slides along with any additional materials or resources provided by the presenter
  • Certification upon successful completion of the program
  • One certification exam attempt is included
Training Overview
  • Title IX Certification (Higher Education) for Investigators and Decisionmakers Session Outline

    Webinar 1: Title IX in General 

    History, purpose, and scope of Title IX
  • Current procedural requirements, including designating a Title IX Coordinator, adopting grievance procedures, and disseminating a notice of non-discrimination
  • Training requirements and roles of the various individuals in the Title IX process
  • Initial steps and investigation techniques
  • Obligation to address conduct, scope of discrimination, and notification requirements
  • Scope of discrimination, including sex-based harassment
  • Notification requirements

Webinar 2: Title IX Reports and Complaints

  • Identifying requirements for reporting sex discrimination
  • Title IX Coordinator response, including supportive measures
  • Addressing complaints, including notice of allegations
  • Role of the Title IX investigator once a complaint is filed
  • Role of the Informal Resolution Facilitator
  • Assessing credibility and impartiality and considering issues of relevance to create an investigation report
  • Role of decision-makers in making determinations on sex discrimination and appeals of determinations and dismissals

Webinar 3: Specific Topics under Title IX

  • Policies related to sex discrimination
  • Grievance procedures for sex discrimination
  • Athletics, including accommodating interests and abilities
  • Pregnancy and related conditions, including providing modifications
  • Employment and overlap with Title VII
  • LGBTQ+ issues, including addressing policies and procedures
  • Case studies involving different common issues presented under Title IX

Webinar 4: Case Studies on August 2024 Regulations

  • Test your knowledge of Title IX with several scenarios on sex discrimination, including within athletics, pregnancy, and sex-based harassment
  • Compliance review, including a records audit and knowledge of investigators
  • Other legal issues, including retaliation, recordkeeping, confidentiality, First Amendment and student records concerns
Who Should Attend?
  • College Presidents/Chancellors/Provosts
  • Human resource directors
  • Title IX investigators
  • Title IX decisionmakers
  • Legal counsel
  • Compliance
  • Student services directors
  • Other administrators
  • Other persons responsible for implementing grievance procedures

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Title IX Certification (Higher Education) for Investigators and Decisionmakers