Protect Your Team With Workplace Safety. Learn How to Update Your Program Now.
OSHA recently initiated a National Emphasis Program regarding heat hazards.
Domestic violence spilling into your workplace is an employer safety issue.
Incidents with no damage to persons or property require investigation.
You need to update your organization’s safety program and implement current protocols. Human resources expert Teri Morning will distill the key provisions of current workplace safety laws. You will learn how to protect your colleagues while developing valuable knowledge that can lead to a new job opportunity, promotion, or raise.
Topics Covered
The OSHA Act And Employer Obligations
Workplace Inspections, Safety Plans, And Investigations
Heat Illness, COVID-19, Temporary Employee, And Other Issues
Workplace Violence
Workers’ Compensation Interaction With Workplace Safety
What You'll Receive:
All courses include a PDF version of the presentation slides along with any additional materials or resources provided by the presenter
Certification upon completion of the program
One certification exam attempt is included
Training Overview
HR Safety Manager Certification
Webinar 1: The OSHA Act And Employer Obligations
Safety obligations of employers
The importance of the General Duty Clause
Recordkeeping and reporting, including COVID-19
Employee rights and responsibilities
State plan interaction
OSHA whistleblower protections
Webinar 2: Workplace Inspections, Safety Plans, And Investigations
Safety plans - assessment and development
OSHA inspection process and procedures
What can trigger an inspection
Employer and employee rights during inspections
Webinar 3: Heat Illness, COVID-19, Temporary Employee, And Other Issues
OSHA’s current National Emphasis Programs
Rulemaking for occupational heat stress and implications for employers
Heat illness prevention strategies
OSHA guidance on mitigating and preventing the spread of COVID-19
OSHA’s Temporary Workers Initiative
Employer obligations
Webinar 4: Workplace Violence
Workplace fatigue, mental distress, and stress
Workplace violence assessment and planning
Mental health and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Accommodation conversations with reactive persons
Webinar 5: Workers’ Compensation Interaction With Workplace Safety
The basics of workers’ compensation coverage
Navigating the “HR Bermuda Triangle” – ADA, FMLA, and WC
COVID-19 implications for employer’s workers’ compensation claims
What to do in the case of an accident
Who Should Attend?
Human resources professionals
Business owners
Plant managers
Operations managers
Safety managers
Employee relations staff
Location managers
Division supervisors
Executive directors
Senior management
Program directors
School district administrators
Faculty union representatives
Assistant principals
Program directors
Education nonprofit groups
School leaders
Student services directors
Legal counsel
This program has been approved for 7.5 general recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.
This program is valid for 7.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.