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FERPA 101: Higher Ed

FERPA 101: Higher Ed

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FERPA 101: Higher Ed

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Expert Presenter:

Higher education attorney Melissa Carleton will discuss privacy compliance in a way that follows the law and your institution’s ethic of care. You will learn how to treat students’ information consistently with your mission and in accordance with FERPA.

What You'll Learn

  • What is and what isn’t an educational record?
  • Are photos and videos protected by FERPA?
  • What rights does a student have to review and inspect their educational records?
  • What rights do the parents of college/university students have?
  • What must a FERPA release form include?
  • When personally identifiable information can you release without consent?
  • What situations qualify as a “health and safety emergency”?
  • When can a student request an amendment to their educational records?
Training Overview

Update your student privacy practices to avoid a lawsuit! Discover how to comply with current FERPA rules.

The academic year has only a few months left, and you must ensure that your college or university adheres to the current, far-reaching requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


You must release only the information you are legally obligated to provide without revealing confidential details protected by law. Your institution must have policies and notices that comply with the current rules.


  • What is and what isn’t an educational record?
  • Are photos and videos protected by FERPA?
  • What rights does a student have to review and inspect their educational records?
  • What rights do the parents of college/university students have?
  • What must a FERPA release form include?
  • When personally identifiable information can you release without consent?
  • What situations qualify as a “health and safety emergency”?
  • When can a student request an amendment to their educational records?
Who Should Attend?
  • Registrars
  • Academic affairs officials
  • Student affairs professionals
  • Faculty members
  • Athletic coaches and volunteers
  • Title IX coordinators
  • Residential life staff
  • Greek life staff
  • General counsel
  • Deans

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Shayla Hymon

Comprehensive review.



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FERPA 101: Higher Ed