Jeannie Davis
A nationally recognized authority on communication skills and telephone communication for great customer service, Jeannie Davis is the award-winning author of Beyond Hello, A Practical Guide For Excellent Telephone Communication and Quality Customer Service. She is a contributing author in Real World Customer Service Strategies That Work. She is President of Now Hear This, a communications training company. An influential speaker and trainer, Jeannie's respected affiliation with Fortune 500 companies and national associations is testament that her webinars, workshops, seminars, and keynote presentations are beneficial to organizations throughout the country.
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Professional achievements:
President of Now Hear This, a communications training company located in Aurora, Colorado
Influential speaker and trainer
Award-winning author of Beyond Hello, A Practical Guide For Excellent Telephone Communication and Quality Customer Service
Contributing author in Real World Customer Service Strategies That Work
Active 26-year member of the National Speakers Association (NSA)
Chairperson for the Aurora Commission for Older Adults (OCFOA)
Secretary of the Board of Directors for Open Door Youth Gang Alternatives
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Courses run by Jeannie Davis

  • Customer Service 101: Communication Toolbox Certification
    Customer Service 101: Communication Toolbox Certification

    Nationally recognized communication authority Jeannie Davis will lead this comprehensive series. You will learn how to build a foundation of stellar customer service. Benefits of Certification Enhance your interpersonal communication skills Immediately achieve a higher standard of customer service excellence...

  • Best Practices for Professional Email and Chat Messaging Etiquette
    Best Practices for Professional Email and Chat Messaging Etiquette

    Nationally recognized communication authority Jeannie Davis will help you enhance your email etiquette skills and boost your productivity during text-based interactions with your customers. She’ll share 13 tips to help you manage email more successfully and 10 insights to stimulate...

  • Customer Service 101: Phone Etiquette
    Customer Service 101: Phone Etiquette

    Nationally recognized communication authority Jeannie Davis will share the secrets of pleasing customers during phone calls, even when they have complaints. Key Takeaways How should you answer the phone and screen calls? What are the best techniques for responding to...
