So You Have a Student Who Self-Harms... Now What?

Behavior specialist Ryan Jeffery will share practical techniques for working with students who harm themselves. You will learn how to help them focus on instructional goals and overcome their destructive behaviors.

What You'll Learn

  • How can you identify students who harm themselves?
  • What specific language should you use in talking with these students?
  • How can you give an outlet for students to shift their harmful behaviors?
  • What steps can you take to facilitate positive interactions?
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Training Overview

How do you help students who harm themselves? Learn how to help them before it’s too late.

As the new school year gets underway, it’s an ideal time to consider the new challenges students who self-harm may face. They come to school with self-inflicted injuries and dangerous habits that detract from their learning. You can apply proven tactics to help your students feel safe and embrace learning.

Optimal strategies to foster focus in the classroom will enable you to help all students learn. Targeted intervention techniques will diffuse challenging behaviors in students who harm themselves.

  • How can you identify students who harm themselves?
  • What specific language should you use in talking with these students?
  • How can you give an outlet for students to shift their harmful behaviors?
  • What steps can you take to facilitate positive interactions?

If you are in crisis, feeling suicidal, thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting themselves, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is staffed by certified crisis response professionals.

Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Teachers
  • Future teachers
  • Teaching assistants
  • Paraprofessionals
  • School counselors
  • Social workers
  • Superintendents
  • Principals
  • Vice and assistant principals
  • Department chairs
  • Clinical staff
  • Program directors
  • Special education directors
  • District administrators
  • Other school leaders
  • Behavior specialists
  • Learning strategists
  • Student services directors
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials

Expert Presenter

Ryan Jeffery
  • Sought-after PreK-12 behavior intervention trainer
  • Coach in the public education community
  • Interprets defiant behaviors
  • Helps teachers gain student compliance with calm, confident, and consistent approaches to behavior