Third-Party Risk Management: How Banks Can Minimize Risk and Maximize Opportunity

Strong market recognition and local knowledge are no longer sufficient in today's banking world. Customers now demand a full range of products and services, a trend that will only increase with the CFPB's 'open banking' rule. To remain competitive, community banks must broaden their alliances with FinTechs and other third-party providers, facing financial, regulatory, and management challenges along the way. Regulations mandate due diligence, contract adherence, vendor monitoring, and consumer protection. While these partnerships offer benefits, they also introduce risks that must be properly understood and managed. This webinar will cover current federal regulations and provide practical, step-by-step guidance for effectively choosing and managing third-party service providers.

What You'll Learn

During this highly informative webinar, our expert speaker will discuss:
  • What is a third party, and what services do they offer?
  • How to design and implement a third-party risk management strategy
  • Sample policies for third-party service providers
  • How to identify specific third-party risks
  • Practical strategies for managing third-party service providers
  • Key contract terms to consider
  • Handling contract administration effectively
  • When and how to terminate a third-party service provider
  • Best practices for governance over third-party relationships
  • Conducting initial and annual due diligence
  • A 7-step practical approach to effective third-party management
  • Third-party regulatory requirements for financial services
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Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Auditors
  • Compliance officers
  • Chief executives
  • In-house counsel
  • Officers and managers
  • Information technology leaders
  • Members of the Board of Directors
  • Operations managers
  • Project managers
  • Quality control staff
  • Risk managers
  • Team leaders
  • Vendor managers

Expert Presenter

Daniel A. Clark
  • Over 30 years of experience in the financial industry
  • Focused on risk management and internal audit for the last 19 years
  • Previously director of operations for internal audit at GE Capital
  • Industry public speaker
  • Wrote the book Dare to Be Different: An Auditors Personal Guide to Excellence

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