Top Ways To Find Top Fundraising Staff During The Great Resignation

Nonprofit workplace justice advocate Mazarine Treyz will show you how to use the Great Resignation to your organization’s benefit.

What You'll Learn

  • New trends
  • Groundbreaking numbers
  • A strategy to save the planet and save money
  • How to reduce employee trauma
  • How to write a better job description
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Training Overview

How to get your next fundraising star - Bolster your nonprofit’s team by offering what employees want.

The Great Resignation is underway. It has been a long time coming, due to:

  • Toxic workplace cultures
  • Systemic overwork and burnout
  • A failure to sustain the well-being and growth of employees
  • Frustration and restlessness caused by the ongoing global pandemic

Recent research shows that over 50% of workers are looking for more flexibility, remote working options, and better pay today. Nonprofits can give them what they want.

You can take advantage of this opportunity to hire the best people and keep them at your organization while saving money. The wave of resignations is spurring competition among employers looking to fill open positions. Changing your approach will enable you to attract fundraising stars to your nonprofit.

Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Nonprofit chief executives
  • Executive directors
  • Development staff
  • Consultants
  • Senior management
  • Fundraising staff
  • Human resources professionals
  • Diversity and equity officers
  • Recruiters
  • Program directors
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials

Expert Presenter

Mazarine Treyz
  • Nonprofit coach and speaker
  • Bestselling author of The Wild Woman's Guide to Fundraising
  • Serves people in 70 countries
  • Supports government organizations, nonprofits, and individuals
  • Co-founded a nonprofit
  • Over a decade of fundraising experience
  • Frequent conference speaker

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