Understanding Pandemic ADA Accommodations For Faculty And Staff

Employment law expert Melissa Fleischer will explain how ADA accommodations related to COVID-19 apply to faculty and staff. You will learn how to respond to remote work and leave of absence requests legally.

What You'll Learn

  • What reasonable accommodations does the ADA require?
  • What is the “interactive process” you would need to engage in?
  • Do the underlying medical conditions of employees or family members justify reasonable accommodations?
  • Would a reasonable accommodation allow your employees to teach remotely?
  • What would constitute an undue burden?
  • Are staff eligible for worker’s compensation if they contract COVID-19 at work?
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Training Overview

May teachers and faculty telecommute? Explore the necessary ADA accommodations.

Many faculty members fear returning to schools in the new year due to the risk of contracting COVID-19 or infecting vulnerable family members. The virus’ recent surge has exacerbated these concerns. Some educators have requested reasonable accommodations under the ADA, such as teaching from home or taking leaves of absence.

To address these requests appropriately, you need to understand the legal requirements and the latest government guidance.

  • What reasonable accommodations does the ADA require?
  • What is the “interactive process” you would need to engage in?
  • Do the underlying medical conditions of employees or family members justify reasonable accommodations?
  • Would a reasonable accommodation allow your employees to teach remotely?
  • What would constitute an undue burden?
  • Are staff eligible for worker’s compensation if they contract COVID-19 at work?
Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • College professors (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Adjunct faculty
  • Graduate students serving as teaching assistants
  • Faculty development staff
  • Curriculum specialists
  • Department chairs
  • Deans
  • Superintendents
  • District leaders
  • Charter executive directors
  • Charter directors
  • Board members
  • Site administrators
  • Human Resources
  • Principals
  • School administrators
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials

Expert Presenter

Melissa Fleischer
  • Management-side employment attorney
  • Over twenty years of experience representing clients in employment law discrimination litigation
  • President and Founder, HR Learning Center LLC, an organization that offers training seminars, webinars, and consulting on a wide range of workplace and human resources issues
  • JD Degree from the George Washington University School of Law