PowerPoint®: Animation Best Practices

Presentation specialist Heather Legge will show you how to use movement in PowerPoint®. You will discover features that will have participants saying “Wow!”

What You'll Learn

  • Transitions
  • Animation
  • Alternatives to bullet points
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Training Overview

Use animation to make PowerPoint® presentations exciting. Learn how to leverage powerful features.

Static presentations lack pizazz. Audiences expect to be dazzled and engaged with on-screen movement. Fortunately, PowerPoint® offers features that make adding eye-catching transitions and animation easy.

It is important to apply movement in a way that supports your message instead of causing a distraction. You can use expert techniques to make your presentation exciting and compelling.

To discover this functionality, please join us for the upcoming webinar:

  • Transitions
  • Animation
  • Alternatives to bullet points

We are offering the [5-Part Series] How To Make Better PowerPoint® Slides here.

Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Everyone who creates and gives presentations
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials
  • An on-demand recording will be available after the live presentation.
  • This session is a part of the How To Make Better PowerPoint® Slides Series.

Expert Presenter

Heather Legge
  • Certified executive coach and keynote speaker
  • Founder of Envision Success Inc.
  • Author of Lead With Moxie
  • Senior Training Specialist for InterAction Training
  • Worked with hundreds of leaders in organizations of all sizes
  • Spent over 15 years in multiple industries transforming organizational performance through business analysis, project management, training, and employee development
  • Master's degree in business administration