COSO’s Guidance: Action Plan For Post-Pandemic Risk Governance

Risk management expert Daniel Clark will explain how the pandemic forever changed risk governance. You will learn what specific modifications to make to your program to mitigate risk and please regulators.

What You'll Learn

  • What should risk governance entail?
  • How is the recent COSO guidance relevant for your institution?
  • How should you link the Board of Directors to the governance structure?
  • What are the essential phases of governance?
  • How can you establish effective risk governance?
  • What steps should you take to please regulators?
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Training Overview

Break down silos to identify and mitigate risk. Apply the latest COSO guidance to your institution.

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) recently issued voluntary guidance to help organizational leaders identify, monitor, and mitigate compliance risks. Learning from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Regulators have been focusing on governance, making this input timely and valuable.

You need to focus on how your institution’s governance infrastructures are established and functioning. For example, COSO recommends breaking down silos to integrate management, compliance, and ethics functions.

  • What should risk governance entail?
  • How is the recent COSO guidance relevant for your institution?
  • How should you link the Board of Directors to the governance structure?
  • What are the essential phases of governance?
  • How can you establish effective risk governance?
  • What steps should you take to please regulators?
Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Chief executives
  • Board members
  • Senior management
  • Middle managers
  • Process managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Operations leaders
  • Auditors
  • Risk Management teams
  • Other executives
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • All resources and training materials

Expert Presenter

Daniel A. Clark
  • Over 30 years of experience in the financial industry
  • Focused on risk management and internal audit for the last 19 years
  • Previously director of operations for internal audit at GE Capital
  • Industry public speaker
  • Wrote the book Dare to Be Different: An Auditors Personal Guide to Excellence

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