The Truth In Lending Act: Steps To Implement Regulation Z Changes

Leading attorney and compliance expert Michael Christians will reveal the proposed changes to the qualified mortgage and ability to repay requirements. You will learn how to protect both your financial institution and your borrowers.

What You'll Learn

  • What changes are proposed to the definition of a qualified mortgage?
  • How does the ability to repay rule apply?
  • What are the specific rules for mortgage loans?
  • What unique requirements relate to credit cards?
  • How can you properly advertise credit products?
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Scheduled for 60 minutes including question and answer period.

Training Overview

Explore proposed qualified mortgage and ability to repay requirements. Prepare for Regulation Z changes.

The Truth in Lending Act promotes the informed use of consumer credit by prescribing disclosures about loan terms and costs. Implemented by Regulation Z, this law requires financial institutions to provide consumers with substantive protections.

The CFPB has extended the sunset date of the GSE Patch, proposed sweeping changes to the general definition of a Qualified Mortgage, and identified a new category of qualified mortgages – The Seasoned QM. You need a clear understanding of the proposed changes to prepare for necessary changes to your financial institution’s policies and procedures.

  • What changes are proposed to the definition of a qualified mortgage?
  • How does the ability to repay rule apply?
  • What are the specific rules for mortgage loans?
  • What unique requirements relate to credit cards?
  • How can you properly advertise credit products?
Recommended Audience
Who Should Attend?
  • Loan officers
  • Loan processors
  • Compliance officers
  • Auditors
What's included
Training includes
  • Certificate of Attendance

Expert Presenter

Michael R. Christians
  • Principal of Michael Christians Consulting, LLC
  • Assists financial institutions and organizations across the country with ensuring their compliance programs conform to federal laws and regulations
  • Provides counsel relative to current rules, assists with the strategic implementation of upcoming regulatory changes, and offers customized education and training services
  • More than two decades of experience in the financial services industry
  • JD from Drake University Law School
  • Member of the Iowa State Bar